Monday, April 30, 2018

Fishbowl Discussion

May 1, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 

Create one question to ask during the fishbowl discussion. 
This may be based on last nights reading, the human condition, or author's style.
Make sure that your question is HOT!


Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: difficulties; misfortune.
Your Definition: 
Activity: In your opinion, which character has faced the most adversity?  Why?
Image result for quotes about adversity


We will conduct a fishbowl discussion of the reading from the last two nights. 
(Pages 167-195 and 199-224)

What is revealed about the human condition through And Then There Were None?
In the face of adversity, what causes some individuals to prevail while others fail?
Consider how these ideas are reflected through the thoughts and actions of the characters.

3.  ATTWN 225-259

Continue to read the book, paying attention to Christie's choice in how to structure the plot.


What is one thing you walked away with from the fishbowl discussion. 

Friday, April 27, 2018

ATTWN 167-195

April 30, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 


Summarize ATTWN pages 167-195. 
Then, reflect on your storyboard.
Determine whether or not your storyboard is an accurate portrayal of the major events that happened. Explain why or why not.


Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: difficulties; misfortune.
Your Definition: 
Activity: In your opinion, which character has faced the most adversity?  Why?
Image result for quotes about adversity


1.  Storyboard Gallery Walk

As a class, you will get the opportunity to view your peers comics.
For at least FIVE people provide constructive feedback through pluses and deltas. 

We will conduct an informal fishbowl discussion of the reading from last night. 
(Pages 167-195)
What is revealed about the human condition through And Then There Were None?
In the face of adversity, what causes some individuals to prevail while others fail?
Consider how these ideas are reflected through the thoughts and actions of the characters.

3.  ATTWN 199-224

Continue to read the book, paying attention to Christie's choice in how to structure the plot.


What is one thing you walked away with from the fishbowl discussion. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Independent Reading Project!

April 27, 2018

By the end of grade 11, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 11-CCR text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Present information, findings, and supporting evidence, conveying a clear and distinct perspective, such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning, alternative or opposing perspectives are addressed, and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and a range of formal and informal tasks.

EQ: Present multi-modal product based on your independent reading project. 


Free Write Friday


Word: Comprehend
Part of Speech: Verb
Dictionary Definition: grasp mentally; understand.
Your Definition: 
Activity: Describe one thing you comprehended from your book. 


Use the link above to complete a reflection.
Make sure to answer one question per section.

2.  IRP Small Group Presentations
You will be divided in small groups and multiple people will present at the same time at different tables. 
You should briefly summarize your book and share the product you created.
Additionally, share why you selected the type of product you chose.
Each round of presentations will have an allotted time of three minutes. 

We will conduct an informal fishbowl discussion of the reading from last night. 
(Pages 167-195)
What is revealed about the human condition through And Then There Were None?
In the face of adversity, what causes some individuals to prevail while others fail?
Consider how these ideas are reflected through the thoughts and actions of the characters.


What product did you find the most interesting and why?

ATTWN Pages 199-224

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

ATTWN 167-195

April 26, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 


Get together in groups from yesterday.
Based on the mock trial, who do you think is guilty?
Explain why.
Each group will share this with the class. 

Image result for guilty and innocent


Word: Justice
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition:  the quality of being just, impartial, or fair
Your Definition: 
Activity: Determine whether or not the acts on Soldier Island reflect ideas of justice.
Explain why or why not. 

Image result for define justice


1.  Storyboardthat
Individually, create a comic, either through storyboardthat or on paper, that summarizes the events from pages 139-165.
This should be approximately six cells long and include either captions or dialogue.
Additonally, answer the question how is time, location, and purpose affected by the author's arrangements of events, details, or time?

2.  ATTWN 167-195

As you continue to read consider the purpose of Christie's structure and sequencing of events. 


What is one question you have about authors style?

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

ATTWN 139-165

April 25, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 


Based on the reading last night, do you still support your original accusation?
Explain why.

Image result for verdict

Word: Jury
Part of Speech:  (noun)
Dictionary Definition:a body of people (typically twelve in number) sworn to give a verdict in a legal case on the basis of evidence submitted to them in court.
Your Definition:
Activity: Act as a juror to decide who is responsible for the deaths on Soldier Island.

Word: Defendant 
Part of Speech:(noun)
Dictionary Definition: an individual, company, or institution sued or accused in a court of law.
Your Definition:
Activity: Decide which defendant is guilty.


1. Gathering Information

As a class, we will conduct a mock trial.
If your character is alive, you are responsible for creating a statement of innocence.
If your character is dead, you will serve as the jury.
You will be creating questions to ask each character.

As a whole, we will vote to see who we believe is guilty of the crime.
Use the persuasion map to create your statements to be presented to the class. 
As you create this, consider what language and style devices could enhance your credibility.


You may also use this interactive version if you prefer it online. 

2.  Mock Trial

Each character will present their case.
The jury will then have a moment to ask any questions that are relevant to the proceedings.

3.  ATTWN 139-165

As you read pay attention the choices of the author.

Do you agree with the class' ruling?
Justify your reasoning.

Monday, April 23, 2018

ATTWN 120-137

April 24, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 


Patterns allow people to make inferences.  What is a pattern you can identify in And Then There Were None?
What is a pattern that you notice in your own life?
Reflect on some of your daily routines and habits and describe one in detail.

Image result for geometric pattern


Word: Pattern
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: 
  •  a repeated form or design especially that is used to decorate something
  • : the regular and repeated way in which something happens or is done
  • : something that happens in a regular and repeated way
Your Definition:
Activity: Find a picture of a pattern and place it with your vocab.


As a class, we will review the three questions that were most commonly missed from the benchmark.
Remediation has been posted in usatestprep.
Remediation due date: Tuesday, May 1. 

Individually, complete the crime scene log.
Use inferences to draw conclusions.
Make sure your TPEQEA includes a quote from the book.

3.  ATTWN 120-137

Continue to read the story, paying attention to style


Explain whether or not you used patterns to determine who the killer is.  

Friday, April 20, 2018

ATTWN 91-119

April 23, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 


Pick one word that best describes the language in And Then There Were None.
Argue your claim in a point sentence.


Word: Aesthetic
Part of Speech: Adjective
Dictionary Definition: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an aesthetic example

Image result for aesthetic


1.  Quiz. Quiz. Trade Discussion

Create one higher order thinking question based on ideas stated in the reading from the weekend.
Write it on one side of an index card, leaving the other side blank for answers.
You will use these cards for a quiz, quiz, trade.

Image result for quiz quiz trade

2.  Style One Pager

Individually, you will create a one pager based on pages 63-89.


Summary of pages 63-89.
One significant quote with explanation.
TWO elements of style with a description of how it is used. 
One prediction of who the killer is and why.
One image

Remember this should be done on computer paper and should be neat and colorful!

3.  ATTWN 91-119

As you read, keep track of the characters and Christie's development of them. 


How confident do you feel analyzing author's style.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

ATTWN 63-89

April 20, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact

EQ: Analyze how Christie's choices contribute to the overall structure and meaning of And Then There Were None. 


Free Write Friday 
Image result for writing prompts


Word: Aesthetic
Part of Speech: Adjective
Dictionary Definition: concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty
Your Definition: 
Activity: Find an aesthetic example

Image result for aesthetic


1.  Character Profiling 

In small groups of 2-3 people, you will be assigned a character.
For the character assigned create a profile that includes all of the requirements listed below: 

Description of Appearance and Personality
Inferences of their Thoughts and Feelings
Identification of Personal Conflict
Memorable Quote
Relations to other characters
Analysis of why Christie developed this character.

You can organize the information in any format as long as you have all of the requirements. 

2.  ATTWN 63-89

Continue to focus on analyzing the stylistic elements that Christie uses to create her novel.


Infer what will happen in the next chapter of And Then There Were None. 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Pages 43-61

April 19, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.

Read the Ten Little Soldiers Boys Poem.
Make a connection between the poem and the story we are reading. 


Word: Human Condition
Part of Speech: noun
Dictionary Definition: the positive and negative aspects of existence as a human being, esp. the inevitable events such as birth, childhood, adolescence, love, sex, reproduction, aging, and death
Your Definition: 
Activity: How have we seen the human condition represented in the works we have read this semester?


1.  Chalk Talk 

Individually, identify one quote from last night's reading that portrays ideas of the human condition. 
At your tables, share your quotes and select the one that you would like to discuss as a class. 
Write the quote on a large sheet of paper, leaving room for comments. 

Reflect on all of the quotes
Determine what the author's purpose is in including these specific sentences. 

2.  ATTWN 43-61

As you read, pay attention to character development.
Consider why Christie would want to develop each character the way she does. 
We will be taking a closer look at this tomorrow. 


How well do you understand literary style?
Use the learning target to assess yourself. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

ATTWN 19-41

April 18, 2018

Analyze how an author's choices concerning how to structure specific parts of a text (e.g., the choice of where to begin or end a story, the choice to provide a comedic or tragic resolution) contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact.


Take a stack of clues and work together in small groups to solve the mystery.

How did you use inferences to make your conclusions?


Word: Human Condition
Part of Speech: noun
Dictionary Definition: the positive and negative aspects of existence as a human being, esp. the inevitable events such as birth, childhood, adolescence, love, sex, reproduction, aging, and death
Your Definition: 
Activity: How have we seen the human condition represented in the works we have read this semester?


1.  Collaborative Annotation 

Follow the steps below:  

1.  Write 3-4 sentences reacting to the reading from last night to share with your group.
Additionally, answer the question below: 
Infer why Agatha Christie chose to begin And Then There Were None  the way she did.
2.  Sit in a circle with your group, so you can all see each other. 
3.  Pass your writing to the person on the left. 
4.  Read the writing from your peer and respond to the writing on the same piece of paper, expanding on what previous students wrote.
6. Repeat until you have your original piece of writing.
7. Read through the comments.
8.  Answer the question: What did I learn about the big idea through collaboration?
9.  Share ideas with the class. 

2.  ATTWN 19-41

As you read, keep track of the characters. 
Reflect on our big idea of the human condition from the beginning of the semester.

What makes these characters human?
Infer why Christie wanted to portray each character the way she did.


What do you think of the characters so far?